Mendigaliev B., Nazarbekova S.T., Kuatbaev A.T., Childibaeva A.Zh., Ibragimov T.S. Description of vegetation condition in seasonal semi-permanent environmental platform

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2. Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples, Shymkent, Kazakhstan


  • Мендигaлиев Б., Нaзaрбековa С.Т., Куaтбaев A.Т., Чилдибaевa A.Ж., Ибрaгимов Т.С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2.Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples, Shymkent, Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the seasonal characteristic of vegetation communities and productivity dynamics in № 1 semiportable ecological platform of the
key site located on pasturable lands of the Matybulak rural district of Almaty
region. The field was made during a reconnaissance detour of the key area. The
route is laid in view of the intersection of the main types of terrain. Geobotanical
work included mapping of soil and geobotanical circuits on the key area and
semi-permanent sites. They are the study of the dynamics of productivity, the
dependence of plant matter on the meteorological conditions. The next step
research involves the study of the dynamics of the formation of above-ground
biomass of all the types of plant communities and modifications semiportable
ecological platform № 2 and 3. It is undoubtedly helps to create a complete
picture of the seasonal changes in the floristic spectrum of key area. The main
types of fodder-producing areas with productivity determination are described,
the preliminary list of plants is added, the main consistent patterns of heterogeneity of a vegetation cover and reasons of their occurence are determined. The
mechanical structure of soils and the main type of a relief are defined. Composition of spring grass is not different diversity, floristic list for different types of
SPEG №1 includes 11-12 species. In the summer of productivity fescuenarrowly-lobedwormwood-ephemeral, turf grass-ephemeral, fescue-ephemeral communities was almost twice as high as the spring. In the autumn all ephemera
destroyed, floristic composition of the vegetation is reduced to 6-7 types.
Key words: pastures, key site, communities of plant, aspect, formation, soil



How to Cite

Ибрaгимов Т.С. М. Б. Н. С. К. A. Ч. A. (2018). Mendigaliev B., Nazarbekova S.T., Kuatbaev A.T., Childibaeva A.Zh., Ibragimov T.S. Description of vegetation condition in seasonal semi-permanent environmental platform: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2. Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 46(1), 80–88. Retrieved from

