Inelova Z.A., Nesterova S.G., Tolymbek K., Kadyrbek R. Ecological Analysis flora Zharkent basin

Al-Farabi kazakh national university, Kazakhstan, Almaty


  • Инеловa З.А., Нестеровa С.Г., Толымбек Қ., Қaдырбек Р.
        72 98


The originality of any flora is characterized by various indicators among
which an important role is played by the indicators of specific wealth, systematic structure, ecological structure and structure of vital forms allowing
to resolve a number of practical issues.
The carried-out ecological analysis of flora of the region has shown a
variety of ecological types. The basis of flora of the Zharkent lowland is
made by angiospermous plants. 5 ecological groups of plants, namely kserofit, mezokserofit, mezofit, kseromezofit and gigrofit are defined. Kserofit
(165 types-28/49 %) – plants of the dry earth because of not sufficiency
of moisture are given by firmness to soil and atmospheric droughts. They
have various devices to conditions of a lack of moisture: strongly developed root system which is water carrying out system. Ephedra distachya L.,
Ceratocarpus arenarius L., C. utriculosus Bluk., Camphorosma lessingii Lit
and others. Mezokserofit (150 types – 25, 90%) – are in sand, clay, mountain territories, and also woody places. It is Ceratocephala falcata (L.) Pers.,
C.orthoceras DC., Papaver pavoninum Schrenk, Acanthophyllum pungens
(Bunge) Boiss. and others.
Mezofit (135 types – 25,90%) – it is adapted to life of the water provided environment. These are such types as Equisetum arvense L., Thalictrum flavum L., Th. isopyroides C.A. Mey and others. Ephemeral plants and
efemeroid [118] which form spring flora belong to the same group. Kseromezofita (121 types – 20,89%) – in flora of the Zharkent lowland ecological type between mezofit and mezokserofit. Belong to kseromezofita
Delphinium camptocarpum Fich. et C.A.Mey., Hypecoum parviflorum
Kar. et Kir., H. trilobum Trautv., Nanophyton erinaceum (Pall.) Bunge and
others. Gigrofita (8 types – 1,38%) – these plants are lived in places with
high humidity of air and soils. Pronounced gigrofita of flora of valleys of the
rivers – grassy plants: Polygonum amphibium L., Cicula virosa L., Scirpus
tabernaemontani C.C.Gmel., S. triquetriformis (V.Krecz) Egor..
Between biological types according to K. Raunkiyer gemikriptofita
(263 types or 45,42%), kriptofita (30 types – 5,18%), and terofita (203
types or 35,06%) prevailing in flora of the studied territory. According to
I.G. Serebryakov the greatest number of types – grassy polikarpik (285
types or 49,22%), the greatest part of types belong rhizomes to a grassy
subclass of polikarpik. The majority of shrubby and semi-shrubby types
kserofitny type, it characterizes presence of an element of the desert at
flora of this area. The analysis of a vital form of the Zharkent lowland has
shown a variety of a vital form of the prevailing plants – rhizomatous polikarpik and monokarpik. Plants grow and develop under the influence of
a complex of factors, the defiant adapting reactions. The main incentive of
evolution of flora is fight against humidity, has proved formation of history
of modern flora of the globe of different areas.
Key words: flora, the sort, look, kserofit, mezokserofit, mezofit, kseromezofit, gigrofit.




How to Cite

Қaдырбек Р. И. З. Н. С. Т. Қ. (2018). Inelova Z.A., Nesterova S.G., Tolymbek K., Kadyrbek R. Ecological Analysis flora Zharkent basin: Al-Farabi kazakh national university, Kazakhstan, Almaty. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 47(2), 128–138. Retrieved from

