microRNAs – endogenous regulators of expression of genes participating in the formation of the animals productivity


  • Ивaщенко A.Т., Aлыбaевa A.Ж., Ниязовa Р.Е., Ниязовa Р.Е., 1 - Аl-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty; 2 - Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development), France, Montpellier
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We investigated the binding of miRNAs to the mRNAs genes encoding
certain proteins of milk with a view to establishing the degree of the corresponding gene expression regulation. Also it was found out that the influence of miRNAs gene expression of transcription factors, the most large
family ZNF, including those that affect the transcription of genes involved
in the formation of milk quality. It is found that the mRNA encoding the
growth hormone gene (GH1) and beta-lactoglobulin (LGB) can bind with
high affinity to multiple miRNAs. miRNAs binding sites were located in
the 3’UTR and CDS of GH1 gene mRNA and 3’UTR of LGB gene mRNA.
The targets of miRNAs genes were CEBPB, EIF5, MLXIPL, NF1, POU2F1,
SP1 and STAT5, which involved in the formation of protein, carbohydrate
and lipid components of milk. It is shown that miR-3960 has two region
with multiple binding sites with the value of ∆G/∆Gm from 92 to 98% in
the SEVRV gene mRNA. These sites are located in the CDS and encoded
oligopeptides RRRRRRRR or AAAAAAA. Multiple binding sites (nine) for
miR-466 were detected in SP1 gene mRNA with ∆G/∆Gm value from 89 to
91%. mRNA of MLXIPL gene served as a target of miR-466, miR-3130-3p,
miR-3926, miR-4685-5p, miR-5196-5p and miR-6760-5p, which show
the dependence of MLXIPL protein synthesis from many factors. The expression of the POU2F1 gene depended on miR-566, miR-1273d, miR-
1273rd and miR-4295. On the mRNAof NF1 and STAT5A genes influenced
by three miRNAs and the other genes are targets for one miRNA each.
Multiple miR-466 binding sites were found in mRNA of DCL11B, EGR3,
MECOM, PRDM1 and ZSCAN12 genes, for miR-574 – in mRNA of KLF7,
SNAI2, ZEP91 and ZNF6772 genes, for miR-3960 – in mRNA of KLF4,
ZEP91 ZIC3, ZNF366, ZNF367 and ZNF827 genes. The obtained data
show a significant effect of miRNAs on the expression of transcription factors genes involved in the formation of protein, carbohydrate and lipid
milk components.




How to Cite

Ниязовa Р.Е., И. A. A. A. Н. Р. (2018). microRNAs – endogenous regulators of expression of genes participating in the formation of the animals productivity. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 49(4), 198–207. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/916

