Experience on fixing mobile sands in the Aralkum village


  • Z.Zh. Alimbetova; L.A. Dimeyeva; G.K. Satekeyev; 1 - Barsakelmes State Natural Reserve KFAL MEGNR, Kazakhstan, Aralsk; 2 - Institute of Botany &Phytointroduction KFAL MEGNR, Kazakhstan, Almaty,


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The article presents the results of measures on fixation of moving sands by phytomelioration methods in combination with the establishment of mechanical protection against blowing in the area of 2
hectares that divided into two plots by livestock drive track around which metal fences were installed.
Species of local flora were used for phytomelioration: Haloxylon ammodendron (saxaul), Calligonum
spp, Artaphaxis spinosa, Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (eurotia), Kochia prostrata. Results on monitoring of plantation in the first growing season showed that survival rate of saplings varied depending on
the geomorphological conditions of the plots from 32 to 60 % for saxaul and 24-40 % for calligonum.
Atraphaxis did not take root. The survival rate for saxaul seedlings was 22 %, for eurotia – 9%, for kochia
– 17%. Monitoring of plantings in the third year of the survey showed that 35 to 53% of saxaul saplings,
24-36% of calligonum saplings, 59% of eurotia seedlings, 16% of saxaul seedlings, less than 5% of kochia seedlings were survived in the plantation. Young growths of calligonum appeared in the third year
after sowing, self-sowing of eurotia began in the third year. One of the plots is regularly disturbed by
livestock, which leads to degradation of plantations, a reduction of seed germination and a decrease in
sand-strengthening function. Based on the experience gained, recommendations have been developed
that can be used to establishment of new sites in the Aralkum village and for phytoreclamation in other
areas of mobile sands in the Aral region.
Key words: Aralkum, phytomelioration, desert plants, saxaul, survival rate.


How to Cite

G.K. Satekeyev;, Z. A. L. D. (2020). Experience on fixing mobile sands in the Aralkum village. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 62(1), 47–57. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJE.2020.v62.i1.05

