Tekebaeva Zh.B., Abzhalelov A.B. Research of algae-indicators in the assessment of pollution of water bodies in Northern Kazakhstan

Кaзaхский университет технологии и бизнесa, Кaзaхстaн, г. Алмaты; Республикaнскaя коллекция микрооргaнизмов, Кaзaхстaн, г. Астaнa


  • Текебаева Ж.Б., Абжалелов А.Б


Studying and use of seaweed-indicators proves their key role in an assessment of an ecological condition of water objects, improvement of an ecological condition of an environment. It allows to consider
microseaweed as perspective bioaccumulators of heavy metals and organic substances, as well as the
organisms which are actively taking part autopurification of reservoirs.
Objective of work was studying a role of seaweed-indicators in an assessment of impurity of reservoirs of Northern Kazakhstan.
The regular structure of the algal flora the investigated reservoirs is studied, allowed from the detected 205 types of seaweed to establish 136 types-indicators. The greatest number of indicators concerns
to diatoms - 61,8 % and to green seaweed - 25 % from the general number of types that reflects value
of this seaweed in formation of phytoplankton investigated fresh reservoirs.
In structure of phytoplankton the seaweed concerning to the β-mesosaprobic to a zone of pollution
(III class of cleanliness) prevail. The index of saprobity for Pantle-Bucc on the average on all reservoirs
has made 1,56 – 2,13, that conforms to the moderate degree of pollution. It is established, that on hy drochemical and hydrobiological parameters quality of water of investigated water objects of Northern
Kazakhstan at the moment concerns to 3-му to a class - to “ the moderate level of pollution».
Key words: algae, indicator species, saprobity, phytoplankton, pollution



How to Cite

А.Б, Т. Ж. А. (2018). Tekebaeva Zh.B., Abzhalelov A.B. Research of algae-indicators in the assessment of pollution of water bodies in Northern Kazakhstan: Кaзaхский университет технологии и бизнесa, Кaзaхстaн, г. Алмaты; Республикaнскaя коллекция микрооргaнизмов, Кaзaхстaн, г. Астaнa. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 54(1), 49–60. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/802

