Мукашева Т.Д., Бержанова Р.Ж., Дюсенов О., Омирбекова А., Жандос И., Алибекова А., Капан А. Оценка эффективности биоремедиации препаратом «Мико-Ойл» замазученного грунта и нефтешлама (в полевых условиях)

КaзНУ им. aль-Фaрaби, Кaзaхстaн, г.Алмaты


  • Мукашева Т.Д., Бержанова Р.Ж., Дюсенов О., Омирбекова А., Жандос И., Алибекова А.,


Nowadays, the place of one of the complex and multidimensional ecological problems is given to
pollution of the natural environment with petroleum and petroleum products as well as their utilization which is becoming increasingly important. There is enough territory in Kazakhstan with a level of
contamination of surface layers of soils from 30 to 40 percent. In addition, deeper layers are polluted,
for example, in the coastal plain, petroleum penetrates to a depth of 45-50 cm. Under these conditions,
the possibility of using biological methods for recultivation of oil contaminated territories becomes particularly important. The most promising purification method is the complex use of the bioremediation
way, including agro- and microbiological methods. This manuscript shows the results of a study of the
effect of the “Myco-Oil” biological drug on the decrease of the residual content of petroleum products
in the smeared soil and the oil slime of JSC “Ozenmunaigas” polygon in field studies. The study of bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil with “Myco-Oil” was carried out for 30 days. The content of heavy
metals and petroleum products in the soil was determined, and the cell survival of destructive strains in
contaminated soil was counted. These data was analyzed in the LLP “Kazecology”.
It was found that under the influence of the testing drug, the degree of decrease in the concentration
of petroleum products estimated from 90 to 93.4%, with the initial content of petroleum hydrocarbons -
17347.3 mg / kg in soil, considering that the investigated soils (oiled soil and oil sludge) contain mainly
badly decomposable heavy fractions.
To examine the mechanism of the testing drug, extraction of petroleum products from the samples
was carried out by infrared spectroscopy after 30 days. After the biological recultivation of petroleum
contaminated soil, a change in the fractional composition of petroleum hydrocarbons, the color and
smell of the soil was noted, which indicates the ability of this dug to effectively influence the biodegradation of oil contamination in oiled soil and oil sludge. During the work, the results indicating that in
order to neutralize oil pollution of different nature, it is necessary to introduce a population of specific
hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms that are part of the “Myco-Oil” drug were obtained. Also, it is
necessary to carry out activities aimed at intensifying of microbiological degradation: maintaining optimal water, air and acid characteristics of the soil (loosening, watering), as well as the introduction of the
necessary mineral nutrition of the microelements in oil contaminated soil.
So, summarizing the results of the research, it should be noted that the “Myco-Oil” showed an intensifying effect on the processes of biodegradation of petroleum contamination in the soils of the JSC
“Ozenmunaigas” polygon.
Key words: bioremediation, bioproduct, landfill, degradation, soil, sludge.



How to Cite

Жандос И., Алибекова А., М. Т. Б. Р. Д. О. О. А. (2018). Мукашева Т.Д., Бержанова Р.Ж., Дюсенов О., Омирбекова А., Жандос И., Алибекова А., Капан А. Оценка эффективности биоремедиации препаратом «Мико-Ойл» замазученного грунта и нефтешлама (в полевых условиях): КaзНУ им. aль-Фaрaби, Кaзaхстaн, г.Алмaты. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 54(1), 80–90. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/805

