Zhubanova A.A., Ualieva P.S., Abdyeva G.Zh., Malik A.M., Tastambek K.T., Akimbekov N.Sh. Study of Microbial Diversity of Soil and Water Polluted by Persistent Organic Pollutants

al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty


  • Жубанова А.А., Уалиева П.С., Абдиева Г.Ж., Малик А.М., Тастамбек К.Т., Акимбеков Н.Ш. Кaзaхский нaционaльный университет имени aль-Фaрaби, кaфедрa биотехнологии, Кaзaхстaн, г. Алмaты


Now in the Republic of Kazakhstan the environmental problem, the bound to consequences of longterm use in agriculture for pest control of agricultural plants of pesticides chemical means of protection of
plants is particularly acute. Though now their use is almost forbidden, owing to high toxicity concerning
bioobjects of soils and reservoirs, there was other problem, the bound to need of creation of new ecologically dangerous objects – storages (warehouses) for huge amounts of unused pesticides the substances
highly dangerous to all alive organisms. Construction of such storages was dictated in due time by what
in recent years, in the conditions of noticeable decrease in demand for pesticides, owing to their poor
target effectiveness, negative impact on objects of a surrounding medium, use of these medicines con siderably decreased, but, considering a possibility of their application in the long term in the presence of
developments for successful protection of the organisms occupying objects of the external environment
the soil, water and air from effect of pesticides, in a number of regions express storages for the pesticides
which are available in warehouses were constructed. In particular, in Talgarsky district of Almaty region.
Most of the research conducted in this direction is devoted to the study of the target activity of pesticides in the process of their application in agriculture.
However, the great attention of researchers is also required by the problems associated with the influence of pesticide storage facilities on the ecology of the environment, on the physiological activity of
microorganisms and other components of water and soils, which in such studies can serve as markers of
changes caused by the presence of pesticides and products of their disintegration in the medium. In particular, on their metabolic activity it is possible to estimate intensity and the nature of influences of toxic
substances, for example pesticides, on metabolic processes in cages of soil microorganisms immediately,
i.e. the metabolic capacity of soil microbial communities in areas of burial of pesticides.
Such researches, on the one hand, will allow to obtain reliable information not only about influence of
storages of pesticides on an ecological situation of the explored region, but also have the prognostic value
since allow to judge possible changes of microbial potential in objects of the external environment in the
presence of the significant amounts of pesticides in storages. Not less important and the fact that studying
of microbial communities of the soils polluted by pesticides is necessary both for assessment of biological
risk, and for selection of perspective agents for technology of bioremediation of natural objects.
Key words: microorganisms, pesticides, microbial diversity, strain, identification, genetic information.



How to Cite

Тастамбек К.Т., Акимбеков Н.Ш., Ж. А. У. П. А. Г. М. А. (2018). Zhubanova A.A., Ualieva P.S., Abdyeva G.Zh., Malik A.M., Tastambek K.T., Akimbekov N.Sh. Study of Microbial Diversity of Soil and Water Polluted by Persistent Organic Pollutants: al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 56(3), 77–88. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/832

