Аmetov A., Сhildibaeva A., Suleymenova N., Elepbay G. Transformation of flora and vegetation in the lower reaches of the Ili River (below the Kapchagai HPP)

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty


  • Аметов А., Чилдибаева А., Сулейменова Н., Елепбай Г Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty


The article considers the floral composition and transformation of the vegetation cover in the middle
reaches of the Ili River (below the Kapchagai Reservoir). It is noted that in connection with the construction of the Kapchagai HPP on the Ili river, in its middle and lower reaches, huge ecological changes took
place. It has fallen sharply the level of water in the river and its floodplain is no longer flooded resulting
in a dried up all the small lakes along the river and groundwater levels fell. This led to a change in the
soil and vegetation cover. Gone reed, reed mace Kamysheva and thickets of small remnants can be found
only on the islands and along the main channel of the river Ili. As a result of drying of mainly old-aged
individuals of trees and bushes, tugai thinned out. In the floodplain of the river, there were no former
meadows with hayfields. In their place, other plant groups appeared, consisting mainly of weedy species
of plants. Currently, the transformation of vegetation cover and floristic composition is actively proceeding below the Kapchagai HPP. Considering this, the authors propose to constantly monitor the state of
flora and vegetation here, and thereby keep the ecological situation below the Kapchagai hydroelectric
power plant under control. Article considers the floral composition and transformation of the vegetation
cover in the middle reaches of the Ili River (below the Kapchagai Reservoir). It is noted that in connection with the construction of the Kapchagai HPP on the Ili River, in its middle and lower reaches, huge
ecological changes took place. The water level in the river has sharply dropped, its floodplain has ceased
to be flooded, as a result of which all small lakes along the river withered and the level of groundwater
dropped. This led to a change in the soil and vegetation cover. The reed, reed and corn cobs disappeared, their small remains can be found only on the islands and along the main riverbed of the Ili River.
Tugai disappeared as a result of the drying up of predominantly age-old individuals of trees and shrubs.
In the floodplain of the river, there were no former meadows with hayfields. In their place, other plant
groups appeared, consisting mainly of weedy species of plants. Currently, the transformation of vegetation cover and floristic composition is actively proceeding below the Kapchagai HPP. Kapchagayskaya
HPP constantly monitor the vegetation and thereby keep under control an ecological stop.
Key words: phytocenosis, flora, population, ecotope, relic, endem.



How to Cite

Елепбай Г, А. А. Ч. А. С. Н. (2018). Аmetov A., Сhildibaeva A., Suleymenova N., Elepbay G. Transformation of flora and vegetation in the lower reaches of the Ili River (below the Kapchagai HPP): Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 56(3), 115–123. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/835

