Suleimenova N. Sh., Kuandykova E. Ecological Problems of Soybean Agroecosystem in the Conditions of the Southeast of Kazakhstan
Kazakh national agrarian university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of the study of the ecological problems of the agroecosystem in soybean
cultivation in the southeast of Kazakhstan. The rational use of the bioenergetic resource and the biological potential of the culture studied is proved, due to the ability of nitrogen fixation – to bind atmospheric
nitrogen, as a result of which the dose of applied nitrogen fertilizers is reduced, which contributes to the
protection of the environment and the resource saving of the agroecosystem. Resource-saving technology, improving the ecological situation of the agroecosystem, with an increase in the share of autotrophic
nitrogen supply of soybeans allows to reduce the norm of nitrogen fertilizer from 50 to 77%. Technology
of cultivation of culture is one of the regulators of the agroecosystem. The use of such methods of innovative technology provides resource-saving due to the reduction of nitrogen fertilizers. At present, the
need to introduce environmentally safe innovative technologies of saving agriculture is dictated by the
environmental situation and the need to reduce direct production costs. In interpreting the experimental
materials obtained by us, it should be noted that the advantages of resource-saving Mini-till technologies
are: – Reducing the number of technological operations for processing soil, – Restoring, maintaining and
increasing soil fertility, – Reducing soil erosion, – Improving ecosystem ecology and lower operating costs.
Key words: soybean, agroecosystem, environmental problem, resource-saving, nitrogen fixation.