Physiological and morphological changes of internal organs in rats of their poisoning by lead on the background of use the nanoenterosorbent “Ingo-2”


  • Ablaikhanova N.T., Tussupbekova G.A., Esimsiitova Z.B., Tuleukhanov S.T., Ablaikhanova N.T., Matayeva K.S., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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In this research work the first time conducted research on the effect of
lead on the animal organism. It was shown that lead adversely affects the
quality and quantity of blood and organs of animals, and also found that a
high-performance carbon “Ingo-2” nanostructured nanoenterosorbent has
good corrective properties, restores homeostasis and contributes to the
compensatory-adaptive reactions. The paper was also investigated effects
of lead on the morphology of the internal organs of the animal organism.
When comparing the actions identified reversible pathological changes
observed and lead to signs of hydropic, and then the protein dystrophy
plethora of vessels, the appearance of certain inflammatory infiltrates.
However, these changes are reversible, are compensatory-adaptive nature
and disappear after a single exposure nanoenterosorbent “Ingo-2.” A study
that nanoenterosorbent “Ingo-2” has a strong universal sorption properties.
In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract it can bind and excrete coming
from outside and formed inside the toxic substances of different nature, including lead. The studies we were first identified particular mechanisms of
action nanoenterosorbenta “Ingo-2” on the morphological and physiological performance of internal organs in animals. Based on the data obtained
proved that nanoenterosorbent “Ingo-2” with a single fed to rats causes the
tissues in the esophagus, stomach, heart, kidneys and liver minor changes
morphophysiological compensatory and adaptive nature, which are short
and completely reversible.
Key words: chemical pollutants, enterosorption, ecological crisis, hematology, human ecology, heavy metals, industrial waste, lead, morphology, neinteresant “Ingo-2”.




How to Cite

Ablaikhanova N.T., Matayeva K.S., A. N. T. G. E. Z. T. S. (2018). Physiological and morphological changes of internal organs in rats of their poisoning by lead on the background of use the nanoenterosorbent “Ingo-2”. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 49(4), 26–36. Retrieved from

