Introduction in the educational process of the results of the study changes in bloood cells in animals after administration of sorbent
This process is implemented using a variety of functions of the organism. Trials showed that under the influence of extreme factors in the
body has been adapted embodied reactions involving the lymph system.
The Results has been observed that under the influence of extreme factors
and motility lymph lymph node, lymph structure completely changed. The
study of result revealed the influence of toxic substances on the lymphatic
system. In the group which got toxic substances a long time, changes of
blood viscosity and lymph, the overall composition of the protein, blood
pressure, observed small changes of ion concentration C. In our experience, we use SUMS-1 (1g / kg) as a detoksikant, after its application impact toxic substances has decreased and the condition of animals is much
improved. In general, speaking about the composition of lymph and the
flow of lymph, there are elements of blood cells and physico-chemical and
biochemical index positive results. When using the organic decline was
enterosorbents detoxifiers in lymph flow and composition of lymph. After
get sorbents blood cell recovery record shows that (SUMS-1) high sorption
properties. In turn, after the poisoning, the use of sorbents SUMS-1 set
changes in the body that speaks about his recovery. This work shows that
research in this area should continue.
Key words: lympha, sorbent, erythrocyte, leucocyte, lymphocyte, hemoglobin, tetrahlormethane.