The Study Morfofiziologicheskie properties neinteresanta “Ingo-2” to cleanse the Body of Animals in case of poisoning by cadmium


  • Есимсиитова З.Б., Аблайханова Н.Т., Тусупбекова Г.А., Тулеуханов С.Т., Абылайханова Н.Т., Алияскарова У Аl-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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Currently a significant portion of human disease linked with environmental
degradation. One of the main reasons for the influence of the environment on the
human body is exposure to the huge number of toxic substances. Toxins affect
humans through inhalation of air, consumption of food and water, and through
the skin. It is shown deistvie toxic cadmium in animals that causes gastrointestinal
bleeding, liver toxicity, renal failure and disorders of blood pressure. To normalize
the disturbed metabolic processes in the organism of animals caused by toxicants
of human nature, we have proposed an effective means of reducing the negative
effects of toxicants on animals and is neinteresant “Ingo-2”. Enterosorption has virtually no contraindications, does not require special equipment, applicable in any
conditions. In this regard we undertook a study to determine the effects of enterosorbent “Ingo-2” at the morphological, histological and hematological indices of
albino rats receiving her food and water in conditions of laboratory experiment.
According to studies it is shown that the enterosorbent “Ingo -2” characteristic:
safety when used for a long time, high sorption capacity towards radionuclides,
heavy metals, toxins, etc. has no local irritative action on the gastrointestinal tract
and other organs, does not cause pathological, irreversible morphological changes
in the structure and composition of the tissue, effective in the treatment of toxic
Key words: cadmium, chemical pollutants, enterosorption, ecological crisis,
hematology, human ecology, heavy metals, industrial waste, morphology, neinteresant “Ingo-2”.


How to Cite

Абылайханова Н.Т., Алияскарова У, Е. З. А. Н. Т. Г. Т. С. (2018). The Study Morfofiziologicheskie properties neinteresanta “Ingo-2” to cleanse the Body of Animals in case of poisoning by cadmium. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 49(4), 56–65. Retrieved from

