Obtaining sustainable raw forms for wheat breeding
Using traditional methods of breeding and genetic research, such as
mutagenesis, backcrossing selection and distant hybridization obtained
genetically improved recombinant forms of soft wheat. Studied the level of
fertility of hybrids of common wheat with wild species with T. timopheevi
and the dependence the fertility of hybridson the direction of crosses and
genotype varieties.In the study of reciprocal hybrids F1, obtained by crossing wheat with wild species – T. timopheevi found clear differences in
the percentage of the appearance of the grains. The results showed that
the use of wild species with reciprocal crossing it with a soft wheat as a
parent component genomes increases compatibility. For hybrids derived
from crosses with T. timopheevi soft wheat characteristic heteroplasmic
condition: simultaneously present copies of the wild (motherly) and wheat
(paternal) types. Using mutants obtained using chemical compounds require a study of the genetic nature of changes occurring that is of great
importance for the selection of effective and specific action of mutagens,
and to broaden and deepen understanding of the nature of the evolution
of wheat. These mutants under the action of mutagens can be successful,
serve as the progenitors of new high-yield varieties.
On the basis of grade Kazakhstanskaya 126 using sources of foreign
genes, a series of isogenic lines genes Hg, Bg, C, PP, Eg, Hp, B, Rht, Pc, W,
Ra.A method for identifying monosomic and disomnyh plant phenotype
by marker gene expression.
Key words: selection, distant hybridization, chemical mutagenesis,
isogenic lines, replacement of chromosomes, variety, chromosome wheat.