Bases of formation of gerbarny fund of wild relatives of cultural plants of Zhezkazgan botanical garden
The article presents the Zhezkazgan botanical garden herbarium resources. The authors point out the
location of the natural populations, give the results of the study of plant communities in these populations
geobotanically, floristic aspects and results of the determination of commodity stocks. The infrmation
about the types collected during complex expedition in the Central Kazakhstan is given. The information
on the types relating to 9 families is supplied.
In article all collectors which were taking part in formation of the ZhBS general herbarium fond are
noted, the basic principles of work with the herbariums guaranteeing preservation and safety of gene
pools, their support and availability to use are given. Article is devoted to studying of wild relatives of
cultural plants of the territory of the Central Kazakhstan and bases of formation of herbarium fond of wild
Key words: plant, resources, herbs, expedition, valuation, Central Kazakhstan, species, region.