Influence of the natural solar radiation in the mountains and artificial light on the circadian rhythms of motor activity
Light is the important zeitgeber in the entrainment of circadian rhythms. The aim of this research
is study the influence of the natural solar radiation with an increased proportion of short-wave light
(short-term stay in the mountains) and the usual artificial light in urban conditions on circadian rhythms
of motor activity. The research involved healthy volunteers (N=12), aged 45 to 55 years, women, who
climbed the ski resort “Shymbulak” during the experiment, as well as Alma-Arasan gorge and Big Almaty
lake as part of the usual tourist groups. For registration of motor activity used portable instruments registration of motor activity to configure a micro motion Logger (AMI), registered every minute ZCM, HPIM,
PIM, light level. Package processing the primary data of programs Action 4 also includes a modified
algorithm for assessment of sleep-wakefulness. Circadian rhythms were evaluated on the basis of cosinor
analysis. Ecofitness have a significant stimulating effect on all chronostructural parameters of circadian
rhythm of motor activity of both trained and untrained persons. In addition, Hiking in the mountains also
affects the duration of sleep, which should be taken into account in further studies of the influence of
mountains on the physiological state of the body of tourists and athletes.
Key words: middle altitude, actigraphy, motor activity, sleep, light, chronostructure, tourist.