The effect of cadmium and growth regulator «epin-extra» on rice plants (Оryza Sativa L.) growth and biomass accumulation


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Cadmium is a highly toxic metal. Under certain conditions, cadmium ions, having great mobility in soils, easily pass into plants, accumulate in them and then enter the body of animals and humans. Anthropogenic sources of cadmium entering the environment are industrial complexes producing or using cadmium, as well as thermal power plants and mineral fertilizers. The cadmium that entered the soil is mainly present in it in a mobile form, which has negative ecological significance.
Various strategies are being developed to reduce the toxic effects of cadmium. The use of growth regulators can also affect the phytotoxic effects of cadmium. The aim of this work was to study the effect of the growth of the regulator “Epin-extra” under the action of cadmium on rice plants. The effect of cadmium and the growth of the regulator “Epin-extra” on the growth and biomass of aboveground organs and roots of different varieties of rice in the presence of cadmium ions in the substrate was studied. Variants without cadmium with the use of “Epin-extra” for seed soaking (“Epin1-control”) and with the addition to the growing substrate (“Epin2-control”) served as a control.
The use of the growth regulator “Epin-extra” led to an increase in the growth parameters of aerial organs and roots in the absence and in the presence of cadmium ions in the growing substrate, increasing the resistance of plants. A different effect was found depending on the form of application of the growth regulator, and varietal differences were also observed, which indicates a genetic difference in plant re- sponses to the action of a toxicant and growth regulators, which is due to various complex mechanisms of the signaling system in different genotypes under stress conditions with the involvement of the hormonal system of plants.


Key words: rice, cadmium, tolerance, growth, growth regulator, “Epin-extra”.

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How to Cite

Nabiyeva, A., Rakhymgozhina, A., Atabayeva, S. D., & Alybayeva, R. A. (2021). The effect of cadmium and growth regulator «epin-extra» on rice plants (Оryza Sativa L.) growth and biomass accumulation. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 68(3), 17–27.

