Кадирбекова А.А., Оспанова А.С., Казова Р.А., Ленчке Я. Химико-аналитическое изучение воздействия медеплавильного цеха Балхашского горно-металлургического комбината на состояние почвы

Казахский национальный исследовательский технический университет имени К.И. Сатпаева, Казахстан, г. Алматы 2ЧУ Политехнический колледж корпорации «Казахмыс», Казахстан, г. Балхаш 3Берлинский университет Гумбольдта, Германия, г. Берлин *e-mail: zhaku84@mail.ru


  • Кадирбекова A A 1Казахский национальный исследовательский технический университет имени К.И. Сатпаева, Казахстан, г. Алматы 2ЧУ Политехнический колледж корпорации «Казахмыс», Казахстан, г. Балхаш 3Берлинский университет Гумбольдта, Германия, г. Берлин
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The impact of the metallurgical enterprise– the copper-smelting section of the Balkhash miningmetallurgical combine (BMMC) on environment are characterized by intensity, diversity and significant
scales. Intensity of anthropogenic pressure on ecosystem in mining and smelting complex has negative
impact on ecological balance. Due to this fact, identifying and evaluating focies of degradation is relevant. Also, desertification of soil cover, researching geoecological-genetic indexes, creating scientific
bases of rehabilitation and protecting disturbed lands, creating ecologically clear technologies for detoxification and utilization of wastes is important.
The aim of the work is to research the condition of the copper production territory for identifying the
impact of the production on lithosphere.
Article shows the condition of the impact of geotechnical system (GTS) on lithosphere. There is a
pollution of soil cover and environment, salinization of lithosphere with mineralized industrial wastewater and contamination of soil stores on sites by overburden, small fractions of raw materials during the
process of exploitation of deposits, transportation of raw materials.
Methods of simplex-lattice planning of interaction in polycomponental systems with building the full
diagram «composition-property» by matrixes were used.
Method of researching the concentration of salts during the salinization of soil cover was created.
Results of chemico-analytical researching of the concentration of pollutants and the data of simplexlattice planning of interaction of salt components on soil cover with getting the diagram «compositionproperty» of system NaCl (X1) – MgSO4(X2) – CaSO4 (X3) were got. It is identified that the highest degree
of salinization occurs during the ratio of components NaCl (X1) – MgSO4(X2) – CaSO4 (X3)=10:60:30. In
sulfat-enriched area degree of salinity is the highest(up to 99.8%), whereas in «chloride angle» degree
is lower (up to 70-80%). Decrease of the salinity degree in chloride area is caused by huge solubility of
alkali metal chlorides( especially chloride of sodium) and huge intensive washout of chlorides in comparison with sulfates.
Practical value is about giving recommendations on decreasing the salinity of lithosphere by researching the systems of natural minerals halite – NaCl, sulfat of magnesium MgSO4 and sulfat of Calcium CaSO
The main results were got in field trials in the area of mining and smelting enterprise, that proved the
data of laboratory experiments.
Key words: soil, system, salinization, modeling, landscape, pollutants.


How to Cite

A К. A. (2017). Кадирбекова А.А., Оспанова А.С., Казова Р.А., Ленчке Я. Химико-аналитическое изучение воздействия медеплавильного цеха Балхашского горно-металлургического комбината на состояние почвы: Казахский национальный исследовательский технический университет имени К.И. Сатпаева, Казахстан, г. Алматы 2ЧУ Политехнический колледж корпорации «Казахмыс», Казахстан, г. Балхаш 3Берлинский университет Гумбольдта, Германия, г. Берлин *e-mail: zhaku84@mail.ru. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 51(2), 46–55. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/766

