Дәрібаева Қ.К., Динмухамедова А.С., Молдагулова Н.Б. Мұнаймен ластанудан топырақты тазалау үшін психротрофты мұнай тотықтандыратын микроағзалар негізінде биопрепарат дайындау
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, Казахстан, г. Астана
In this research we studied the conducted to develop a biological product based on psychotropic
oil-oxidizing microorganisms for cleaning soil pollution. The use of oil-oxidizing microorganisms on the
basis of biopreparation by modern biotechnological methods allows conducting bioremediation works
during the year. The work uses microbiological and chemical methods. The identification of microorganisms was on the Bergey’s determinant. Genetic identification of the nucleotide sequence of isolates
based on the conservative 16S rRNA locus was carried out. The homology of the nucleotide sequence
was 98-99%. Four consortia of biocompatible strains consisting of 3, 4 and 6 strains of oil-oxidizing
microorganisms have been developed. It was revealed that among the isolated and collection strains
19 cultures of microorganisms had the ability to grow at + 10 ° C and + 4 ° C; Psychotropic cultures
K-15, P2, M3, K-14 and P3 actively destroys oil for 14 days at temperatures of + 10 ° C and + 4 ° C
in excess of 80%. The best results of oil destruction were shown by Consortium №1 with 5% contamination, which was 61%. The composition of 1 consortium includes 3 strains: Serratia marcescens P3,
Rhodococcus erytropolis P2, Bacillus amylofaciens K-15.
Key words: biopreparation, psychotropic microorganisms, bioremediation