Бурашев Е.Д., Султанкулова К.Т., Кожабергенов Н.С., Садикалиева С.О., Орынбаев М.Б., Сандыбаев Н.Т., Зайцев В.Л. Морфометрия и некоторые физические хaрaктеристики вирусa гриппa лошaдей, выделенных нa территории Республики Кaзaхстaн

РГП «Нaучно-исследовaтельский институт проблем биологической безопaсности» КН МОН РК, пгт. Гвaрдейский, Жaмбылскaя облaсть, Кaзaхстaн


  • Бурашев Е.Д., Султанкулова К.Т., Кожабергенов Н.С., Садикалиева С.О., Орынбаев М.Б., Сандыбаев Н.Т. Зайцев В.Л


The paper presents the results of electron microscopy of strains of equine influenza virus, isolated
from 2010 to 2012. when conducting monitoring activities. Expeditions to the South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Aktyubinsk and West Kazakhstan oblasts were conducted to
carry out epizootological monitoring of equine influenza in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In total, for the
years 2010-2012. For laboratory investigations in different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2404
samples were collected and delivered to NIIIBB .

Based on the results of the studies, the main morphometric properties were determined. Electron
microscopic analysis showed no contamination by foreign microorganisms in purified preparations of
the horse flu virus. During the purification process, the virions retain their structure. Strains A / equine /
Baizak / 09/2012, A / equine / Kostanai / 09/2012, A / equine / Matybulak / 10/2012 and A / equine / LKZ
/ 09/2012 equine influenza virus in the populations of the studied isolates have mainly round and oval
shapes. The size of round virions is 70 – 200 nm in diameter, and the length of oval ones is of the order
of 100 -300 nm. About 72% of the population of equine influenza isolates are virions with a diameter
of 110 – 180 nm. The surface of the viral particles is covered with spines of 6-8 nm in height, and the
thickness of the outer shell is 8.5-9 nm.
In all studied isolates of the equine influenza virus, the majority of the virions are round (95%) and
oval (5%) virions. For all isolates polymorphism is not typical. The conducted studies showed that the
investigated isolates practically do not differ both in morphology and in such physical parameters as the
floating density and the sedimentation constant of the virion. All indices lie in the range of values characteristic for the family of orthomixoviruses.
However, in view of the development of genetically mutation among the population of the equine
influenza virus, A / equine / LKZ / 09/2012, rounded viruses with a size of about 450 nm were found
and filamentary lengths over 750 nm. These virions are characterized by the preservation of the surface
structure of glycoproteins, but an initial degree of disintegration of the virus for the subsequent release
of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) is observed.
Key words: virus, equine influenza, ultracentrifugation, electron microscopy, physical constants.



How to Cite

Орынбаев М.Б., Сандыбаев Н.Т. Зайцев В.Л, Б. Е. С. К. К. Н. С. С. (2018). Бурашев Е.Д., Султанкулова К.Т., Кожабергенов Н.С., Садикалиева С.О., Орынбаев М.Б., Сандыбаев Н.Т., Зайцев В.Л. Морфометрия и некоторые физические хaрaктеристики вирусa гриппa лошaдей, выделенных нa территории Республики Кaзaхстaн: РГП «Нaучно-исследовaтельский институт проблем биологической безопaсности» КН МОН РК, пгт. Гвaрдейский, Жaмбылскaя облaсть, Кaзaхстaн. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 54(1), 62–70. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/803

