Нурмаханова А.С., Утешова С., Домакбаева А., Кенжебаева Ш.К., Атабаева С.Д., Асрандина С.Ш., Алыбаева Р.А. Тұзды жағдайлардың (NaCl) соя өсімдігінің (Glycine max) параметрлеріне және салыстырмалы су мөлшерімен жапырақтарының фотосинтез пигменттерінің мөлш

әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ


  • Shalakhmetova T. M. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Нурмаханова А.С., Утешова С., Нурмаханова А.С., Утешова С., Атабаева С.Д., Асрандина С.Ш., әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.


It was studied by NaCl in the content of in the leaves of soybean plants (Glycine max). The objects of
research were 3 varieties of soybean plants – Almaty, Vita and Lastochka. The plants were grown in the
soils with different concentration of NaCl – 0 (control), 0.01%, 0.1% for 14 days. Photosynthesis plays
a key role in the process of growth and biomass accumulation. The length of the above-ground organs
at a concentration of 0.1% NaCl in the Almaty variety decreased by 17%, in the Vita variety – by 19%,
while in the Lastochka variety – by 28%. At a given concentration, the root length of varieties Lastochka
and Vita increased by 20% and 14%, respectively. With the action of 0.1% NaCl, the dry biomass of the
aerial organs was reduced in all varieties. To a lesser extent, this indicator decreased in the Vita variety
– by 17%, while in the other varieties Lastochka and Almaty – by 24%. At this concentration, the dry
mass of the roots only increased in the Vita variety by 32%, while in the other varieties it decreased. In
the Lastochka variety, the dry mass of roots decreased by 9% , in Almaty variety – by 19%. The relative
water content (RWC) decreased in all varieties under the action of salinity. With the action of 0.1% NaCl
in Vita variety, this indicator decreased in the least degree – by 5%, in Almaty variety – by 8%, in Lastochka variety – by 15%. According to the results of research at concentration 0.1% NaCl, chlorophyll
content was decrease in Vita and Almaty variety by 10% and 13%, respectively, and in Lastochka variety
– by 14%. Content of chlorophyll b pigment content it was found to be 92% to control for Vita, 90%
– for Lastochka and 89% – for Almaty variety. At 0.1% NaCl concentration, the concentration of carotenoids in Vita variety increased by 21%, while in Almaty and Lastochka varieties – by 16%. Thus, the
amount of chlorophyll a and b has declined in the soybean varieties under salinity stress. It was shown
that the chlorophyll content in a resistant Vita variety has diminished to a minor degree in comparison
with the other varieties.
Key words: soybean, salinity, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, carotenoid, variety, resistance

How to Cite

T. M., S., & Атабаева С.Д., Асрандина С.Ш., Н. А. У. С. Н. А. У. С. (2018). Нурмаханова А.С., Утешова С., Домакбаева А., Кенжебаева Ш.К., Атабаева С.Д., Асрандина С.Ш., Алыбаева Р.А. Тұзды жағдайлардың (NaCl) соя өсімдігінің (Glycine max) параметрлеріне және салыстырмалы су мөлшерімен жапырақтарының фотосинтез пигменттерінің мөлш: әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 55(2), 26–38. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/813

