Kaiyrmanova G.K., Darmenkulova Zh.B., Ernazarova A.K. Diversity of micro organisms petroleum reservoir waters

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty


  • Қaйырмaновa Г.Қ., Дәрменқұловa Ж.Б., Ернaзaровa A.К Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty


In-process gave there are quantitative and quality microbiological
description of standards of petroleum waters of deposits of «Kulsari» and
«Zhetibay». It is discovered that common amount of microorganisms of
petroleum waters of deposit of «Kulsari» higher what deposits «Zhetibay»
and 25,1х106 makes ; 1,8х106/ml, accordingly. It is educed, that in petroleum waters «Zhetibay» there are spore-formers, micromitcety, pseudomonads, bacilli and enterobacters, while, pseudomonads are not educed
in the standard of petroleum waters of «Kulsari». During works, from the
standards of petroleum waters of deposits of «Kulsari» and «Zhetibay» 15
is distinguished and 18 cultures of microorganisms, accordingly. To the
distinguished cultures of microorganisms of gave мicro- and micromorphological description. There are cultures of aborigines of microorganisms
of КМ- 2 on macromorphological researches, КМA – 2, КG- 1, ZHМ – 1,
ЖМ- 2, ЖG- 1, ЖG- 3, ЖС- 1, NКК- 2, NКZH- 1 are round colonies light
yellow, brilliant, with a smooth surface and even edges. During an experiment 33 cultures of microorganisms were distinguished from the standards
of petroleum waters Zhetibay and Kulsari. In practical experience macromorphological description of microorganisms was given abstracted from
the standards of petroleum waters of deposit of «Кulsari» and «Zhetibay».
Key words: nefteplast waters, mikromitcety, spore-formers, microbal
cultures, bacilli, entorobacters

How to Cite

Ернaзaровa A.К Қ. Г. Д. Ж. (2018). Kaiyrmanova G.K., Darmenkulova Zh.B., Ernazarova A.K. Diversity of micro organisms petroleum reservoir waters: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 46(1), 42–49. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/842

