Shulembaeva K.K., Chunetova Zh.Zh., Dauletbaeva S.B., Tokubaeva A.A., Omirbekova N.Ch., Zhunusbaeva Zh.K., Zhusuppova A.I. Selection for resistance of soft wheat adaptability to environmental conditions in the south –east of Kazakhstan

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


  • Шулембaевa К.К., Чунетовa Ж.Ж., Дaулетбaевa С.Б., Токубaевa A.A., Омирбековa Н.Ж., Жунусбaевa Ж.К.,


This article presents the results of the research dedicated to the production of mutant forms under impact of chemical compounds, in particular cadmium chloride; chromosomal localization of genes, responsible
for the important signs for selection; obtaining morphologically marked
aneuploid lines and reconstruction of the genome of soft wheat with intravarietal replacement chromosomes. As a result of the research the optimum concentration of CdCl
2 – 0,01%, solution was found. This solution is
responsible for plants growth and development. Among 10 different sorts
of soft wheat only 4 species demonstrate sensitivity to chlorine cadmium
– Kazakhstan 3, Zhenis, Shagala, Lyutescens 32. The level of fertility of soft
wheat hybrids crossed with wild species (t. timopheevii, t. dicoccum и t.
kiharae) depends on the direction of crosses and specimen genotype. Wild
species as a parent component, positively impact on a high percentage of
tying grains in specific ecological zones of Kazakhstan. It was checked out,
that Nadezhda specie genome is highly compatible with the genomes of
wild species T. timopheevii, T. dicoccum и T. kiharae.
Key words: Mutagenesis, isogenic substituted wheat lines, selection,
mutant strain



How to Cite

Омирбековa Н.Ж., Жунусбaевa Ж.К., Ш. К. Ч. Ж. Д. С. Т. A. (2018). Shulembaeva K.K., Chunetova Zh.Zh., Dauletbaeva S.B., Tokubaeva A.A., Omirbekova N.Ch., Zhunusbaeva Zh.K., Zhusuppova A.I. Selection for resistance of soft wheat adaptability to environmental conditions in the south –east of Kazakhstan: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 46(1), 112–121. Retrieved from

