Abdigappar A.E., Kulbaeva M.S., Tuleukhanov S.T., Shvetsova E.V., Ursheeva B.I., Zhamanbayeva G.T, Tolenova K.D. Study of temperature indicators biologically active points skin for determining physiological state of students with myopia is influenced by el

Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Әбдіғaппaр A.Е., Кулбaевa М.С., Тулеухaнов С.Т., Швецовa Е.В., Уршеевa Б.И., Жaмaнбaевa Г.Т., al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


Today, the Internet network, Wi-Fi, mobile phones, which are the main
sources of electromagnetic fields have become an integral part of everyone’s
life. The electromagnetic field of the environment, the field is not visible, but
to some extent, have a negative impact on the human body. Especially great
is the negative impact on the nervous system, which causes the deterioration
of thinking ability of human memory function. Today in many frms, higher
education institutions, in schools, in homes installed Wi-Fi network. It is
proved that an excessive load is a function of the result of close scrutinizing
the screen leads to diseases of the eye. The study of eye diseases, their influence on other bodies has recently become an important issue. To work were
taken healthy students aged 20-21 years. They were divided into two groups
according to differences in the functions of: in the first group were students
with normal function of, and in the second group suffering from myopia
performance features of -3 to -5. For the study were used temperature behavior of biologically active points of the standard meridian, symmetrically
arranged on the surface of the skin of the right and left side of the man.
Registration temperature readings were made with a «Biotemp-2» device.
Key words: biological hotspots, biophysical indicators, electromagnetic field, meridian, myopia, temperature, wi-fi, еnvironment.

How to Cite

Уршеевa Б.И., Жaмaнбaевa Г.Т., Ә. A. К. М. Т. С. Ш. Е. (2018). Abdigappar A.E., Kulbaeva M.S., Tuleukhanov S.T., Shvetsova E.V., Ursheeva B.I., Zhamanbayeva G.T, Tolenova K.D. Study of temperature indicators biologically active points skin for determining physiological state of students with myopia is influenced by el: Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 46(1), 122–129. Retrieved from https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/850

