Askarova A.S., Mazhrenova N.R., Nugymanova A.O., Ermaganbetova S.D. Development of system scientifc and practical approach to decrease in anthropogenous load of the air basin of the city of Almaty
Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The level of development of any country can be seen as three major
interrelated factors: social, economic and environmental. It should be noted that the state should pay equal attention to, and provide equal support
to these areas without a priority one at the expense of others. This balance
will help to ensure a balanced development of any country. Decisions and
actions aimed at protecting the environment should be based on a scientific basis and be based on objective indicators. In this article we are specified goals of modern science in the field of environmental protection studies, implemented in Kazakhstan. System Analysis Research has shown that
should be paid more attention to an entirely new high-efficiency activities
for studying, reproduction and rational use of natural resources, technology, rehabilitation of the environment from the effects of anthropogenic
influences, standardization, certification and metrology in environmental
management, and the development of regulatory requirements.
Key words: comprehensive pollution index, environmental metrology,
maximum and single emissions, program complex «ERA-Air».