Abidkulova K.T., Mukhitdinov N.M., Ametov A.A., Ivashchenko A.A., Ydyrys A., Tazhibaeva K. Seed production of rare, endemic plant Iris alberti under different ecological-coenotical conditions in trans – Ili Alatau mountains
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2 - Ile-Alatau State National Nature Park, Almaty, Kazakhstan
In 2015, the authors investigated and found two populations and 4
coenopopulations of Iris alberti in the Ile-Alatau State National Nature
Park. In the article, the authors present the ecological-coenotical characteristics of plant communities with the participation of Iris alberti within
the studied population and describe the characteristics of seed production
of this species. There were determined the number of generative shoots
per 1 square meter, counted and measured fruit on them, the number of
seeds in them, and the size of the average weight of 1000 seeds. Analysis
of the Iris alberti seed production in the investigated populations showed
that the percentage of flowering and fructification of this species under the
in situ conditions were 48 – 62%, slightly higher than the ex situ conditions (33,3-39,1%). The average number of seeds, in a single generative
shoots were insignificant, only 45-91 pcs. According to conducted counts
of fruit size, the number of seeds in them, the number of seeds on shoots
and weight of 1000 seeds were higher in plants in the population 2, which
is probably due to the more favorable ecological and cenotical conditions
of this habitat.
Key words: Iris alberti , seed production, population, cenopopulation