Shimshikov B.E., Tynybekov B.M., Mukanova G.A., Voronova N.V., Nurmahanova A.S., Imanova E., Shayakhmetova M. Modern regularities of formation of soil and vegetation Gorge Kerbulak

Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


  • Шымшықов Б.Е., Тыныбеков Б.М., Мұқaновa Г.A., Вороновa Н.В., Нурмaхaновa A.С., Имaновa Э., Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


In this article was investigated about plant morphological description,
the soil mechanical structure, of nutrient elements and organically structure
of soil cover the Kerbulak gorge. Also morphological description of the soil
profile. The article was data general description of the direction of evolution
of soil mechanical structure of nutrient elements and an organically things.
Are presented the morphological characteristics of the soil profile. We was
analyzed morphological structure of gray soils the foothill plains Malaysary
ridge and floodplain soils of the Ili-River. The study area characterized a
variety of desert vegetation. The part of the plant associations found Turan
Artemisia, Burgun, boyalych, Kokpek, Shagir, prostrate summer cypress and
other salsola plants. In the gorge Kerbulak common plants of 40 families,
130 genera and 163 species. With this is found the gorge endangered, relict and endemic species. In this study research object is located in the the
northern part of the riverbed the sands of Sary-Esik Atyrau, south-eastern
part of the mountain Tasmuryn, in the north-western and northern part bordering on the water area of Lake Balkhash, gorge Kerbulak with gray soils
and takyr-like and sandy soils desert areas with characteristic vegetation.
Key words: amorphous, hydromorphic, soil cover plants, floodplain
soils, river or intra zonal ridges, endemic, relic, flora, fodder, medicines
and other.



How to Cite

Нурмaхaновa A.С., Имaновa Э., Ш. Б. Т. Б. М. Г. В. Н. (2018). Shimshikov B.E., Tynybekov B.M., Mukanova G.A., Voronova N.V., Nurmahanova A.S., Imanova E., Shayakhmetova M. Modern regularities of formation of soil and vegetation Gorge Kerbulak: Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 46(1), 180–186. Retrieved from

