Pavilichenko L.M., Espolayeva A.R., Izetaeva А.М. Conversion of the mining complex of the Mangistau region

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty


  • Пaвличенко Л.М., Есполaевa А.Р., Изтaевa А.М Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        30 61


The most important conclusions of the research in this area should include the one
that the environmental assessment on the basis of maximum permissible concentration
(MPC) of certain harmful elements in different range and areas of environment is not
acceptable for a number of elements, especially heavy metals. In assessing the impact
of harmful substances on the ecosystem determining factor cannot be the initial concentration in any environment, while the transfer, storage, and transformation into critical links of ecosystem, whereby already observed concentration and other secondary
products with other toxic properties. Thus, the environmental standards of permissible
impact on the living component of the biosphere should be determined by the nature
and patterns of distribution, accumulation, destruction and transformation of pollutants
in ecosystems, their transition from one medium to another in the local, regional and
global scales. These rules can not be the same for all types of ecosystems. The aim of
this study is to assess the role of gas oil-producing complex of Mangistau region in the
formation of anthropogenic disturbance of the relief on the basis of a published cartographic material.The ecological condition of the territory is usually built on the results
of monitoring of all components of the natural environment, reflecting the impact of
the plurality of sources of pollution, the need for independent evaluation of the contribution of individual sources. On the basis of the method developed by the authors
of the inverse problem solution integrated environmental assessment with the help of
GIS technologies and models of the objective function, it provides an example of its
decision to assess the contribution of oil and gas field in Mangistau anthropogenically
disturbed vegetation and soil as a possible objective of the principle of «polluter pays».
The used objective function is understood in this paper is not a classic mathematical
sense for individual environmental assessments – a criterion for comparing alternatives using different optimization methods, as well as a function that implements the
purpose of the evaluation – evaluation of the contribution of oil and gas production
in the anthropogenic transformation of vegetation and soil cover. For raw data on the
vector scorecard anthropogenic influence on soils and vegetation delineation deposit
location of land, each land area defined in Arc-GIS. As a result, the calculation of the
objective functions for the entire territory of the region or area of the zones of oil and
gas complex obtained total score area, and then dividing by the area of oil and gas
complex with an average rating of anthropogenic disturbance of soil and vegetation in
Mangystau region in general and the oil and gas complex (disturbance of vegetation–
16,73%, dis turbance of soil – 19,31%). Thus, by comparing the results of calculations
of anthropogenic disturbance of soil and vegetation in Mangystau region, evaluated
the ecological state.
Key words: impact on the environment, oil and gas production, GIS, cartographic
materials, target function.




How to Cite

Изтaевa А.М П. Л. Е. А. (2018). Pavilichenko L.M., Espolayeva A.R., Izetaeva А.М. Conversion of the mining complex of the Mangistau region: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 47(2), 58–66. Retrieved from

