Ерекше қорғалатын табиғи аумақтарды басқарудың мәселелері
Protected Areas (PAs) is a cornerstone and essential preservation strategies at a national and international level for biodiversity preservation and to maintain healthy ecological function. PAs have continuously been increase over the last decades. However, their effectiveness significantly depends on their management and planning strategies. This paper presents an overview of the main challenges in PAs management. Findings of the present study highlights an importance of involvement of stakeholders in the decision-making process in the management of PAs, public attitudes and perception towards Pas. The understanding of the main challenges in such as uncontrolled human activities (hunting, poaching, fishing), unsustainable development of tourism, climate change also necessary taking into account in achieving sustainable conservation objectives, and in the design and implementation of new environmental policies. PAs management depends on many interactions such as policy agenda, social and economic situation, cultural issues, stakeholders, individual preferences and governance. Therefore, to conduct an effective PAs management, it is essential to strengthen responses to these multiple obstacles.
Key words: environmental management, protected areas management, public perception, сlimate change, stakeholder’s participation.