Pavlichenko L.M., Rysmagambetova A.A., Rodrigo Ilarri J. The applicability assessment of technical solutions for a feasibility study on the purifcation of groundwater in the Ilek river valley from boron for the modern hydro geochemical situation

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty; Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, Valencia


  • Pavlichenko L.M., Rysmagambetova A.A., Rodrigo Ilarri J Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty; Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, Valencia,


This scientific article is devoted to the problem of pollution of the Aktobe basin with boron by the
waters of the Ilek River, which drains contaminated groundwater. In connection with not full implementation of the decisions taken to reduce the concentration of pollutants, in particular boron, the problem
of groundwater pollution is exacerbated. The monitoring datas fix the increased level of pollution. Initiative field studies and the results of the determination of sampling samples showed an excess of threshold
limit value of boron both in the zone of the old sludge accumulator and in the Aktobe basin. To justify
the need to develop and implement a qualitatively new approach to the solution of the problem of
groundwater contamination in the Ilek river valley and the Aktobe Basin, boron made estimates for the
topographic and hydrogeological, combined with the technical solutions, the feasibility study, maps. It is
shown that now the front of groundwater pollution from the industrial site and the new sludge collector
has approached the river, and therefore the technical solution of the feasibility study for the second section no longer corresponds to reality. The dynamics of the pollution processes of the Ilek River in the old
sludge accumulator zone is analyzed. Based on the regression model, a forecast is made of the changes
in boron content in the right bank of the Ilek River. It is shown that the technical feasibility study on the
first site requires a revision.
As a new approach to solving the problem, it is proposed to develop a system from a constantly
operating model of geo-filtration and a model of turbulent macro diffusion combined with it. Mapping
izoconcentrate of boron and other pollutants of groundwater will provide an opportunity to consider
them from the standpoint of alternative environmental technologies, for example, as the basis of boron
Key words: ground water, pollution, boron, basin, feasibility study.



Как цитировать

Rodrigo Ilarri J, P. L. R. A. (2018). Pavlichenko L.M., Rysmagambetova A.A., Rodrigo Ilarri J. The applicability assessment of technical solutions for a feasibility study on the purifcation of groundwater in the Ilek river valley from boron for the modern hydro geochemical situation: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty; Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, Valencia. ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Экология сериясы, 54(1), 35–48. вилучено із

