Kakymova A., Ablaikhanova N.Т., Yessimsiitova Z.В., Ablaikhanova N.Т., Usipbek B.A., Tleubekqyzy P., Yessenbekova A.Y., Tusupbekova G.A. The impact of oil products on hematological parameters of blood of rats in the experiment

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2. State Enterprise «Centre of Forensic Medicine» Almaty branch of MJ RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan


  • Kakymova A., Ablaikhanova N.Т., Yessimsiitova Z.В., Ablaikhanova N.Т., Usipbek B.A., Tleubekqyzy P., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2State Enterprise «Centre of Forensic Medicine» Almaty branch of MJ RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Many studies focus on the morphological changes of tissues and organs in the conditions of the external environment. Such practical orientation appeared due to the great interest in the deterioration of ecological
environment, the emergence of a variety of adverse factors in the working
environment and everyday life. It is known that even in small doses that
do not cause the expressed toxic effects, xenobiotics, petroleum products,
heavy metals, rare earth elements and others may cause effects leading
to maladjustment of the organism and disease. There are just a fewworks
devoted to studying the issue of complex action of crude oil in the whole
organism of the animal hematological processes in mammals, developing
under the influence of crude oil. This makes the study of the problem of oil
pollution on animals and humans actual according to the hematology and
physiological indicators. In this regard, we conducted a study to determine
the effects of crude oil influence on hematological parameters of rodents
received by them with food and water in a laboratory experiment.
Key words: oil, hematology, leukocytes, lymphocytes, red blood cells,
decapitation, toxic substances.



Как цитировать

Usipbek B.A., Tleubekqyzy P., K. A. A. N. Y. Z. A. N. (2018). Kakymova A., Ablaikhanova N.Т., Yessimsiitova Z.В., Ablaikhanova N.Т., Usipbek B.A., Tleubekqyzy P., Yessenbekova A.Y., Tusupbekova G.A. The impact of oil products on hematological parameters of blood of rats in the experiment: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2. State Enterprise «Centre of Forensic Medicine» Almaty branch of MJ RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan. ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Экология сериясы, 46(1), 60–69. вилучено із https://bulletin-ecology.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/844

