Tleubekqyzy P., Yessimsiitova Z., Ablaikhanova N., Ablaikhanova N., Aknazarov S., Golovchenko O., Kakymova A., Ussipbek B.A. Morphological changes in the organs of rats against the background of crude oil exposure in the experiment

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


  • Tleubekqyzy P., Yessimsiitova Z., Ablaikhanova N., Ablaikhanova N., Aknazarov S., Golovchenko O., al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


For the purpose of early detection of abnormalities by the action of
ecologically adverse factors, which include oil pollution, histological analysis methods must be used. The problem of the study of oil pollution on
animals and humans is considered to be topicalaccording to the morphological parameters. In this regard, we conducted a study to determine the
effects of the impact of crude oil on the morpho-physiological, histological
indicators of rodents, received by them with food and water in a laboratory
experiment, and the study of the impact of oil on the structural and cellular
changes in the lungs and heart of white rats during the month. The results
of histological examination of lung of albino rats has shown that after receiving crude oil for 30 days indietary, there are changes occur that lead to
the development of chronic inflammatory processes, destructive changes
are found, also the increase in metabolic rate, intensity of energy metabolism, disorders of blood formation processesare marked, which indicate
the direct toxic effect of oil. Morphological study of rat hearts showed significant histological changes like plethora of veins and arteries, microcirculatory bloodstream with the expansion of their lumen and wall thinning.
Key words: morphology, histology, oil, heart, lung, rats, edema, congestion, necrosis, toxic substances, destruction, pathology, ecology.



Как цитировать

Aknazarov S., Golovchenko O., T. P. Y. Z. A. N. A. N. (2018). Tleubekqyzy P., Yessimsiitova Z., Ablaikhanova N., Ablaikhanova N., Aknazarov S., Golovchenko O., Kakymova A., Ussipbek B.A. Morphological changes in the organs of rats against the background of crude oil exposure in the experiment: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Экология сериясы, 46(1), 106–111. вилучено із

