Ontogenetic condition and age structure of Anthemis trotzkiana claus coenopopulationin the conditions of Aktobe region


  • Избастина К.С., Курманбаева М.С., Молдақарызова А.Ж., Базаргалиева А.А., Молдақарызова А.Ж., Базаргалиева А.А., әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы қ., Қазақстан ., С.Ж. Асфендияров атындағы Қазақ ұлттық медицина университеті, Алматы қ., Қазақстан


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The article presents the results of study of the ontogenetic state, the number and age range coenopopulations of the rare species Anthemis trotzkiana Claus in the conditions of Aktobe region. During the
study of the ontogenesis of Anthemis trotzkiana Claus 3 periods and 6 ontogenetic stateswere identified. The main coenopopulation indicators are calculated and the ontogenetic structure of this species
According to the age index (Δ) and energy efficiency index (ω) in 3 cenopopulations in the 1st population, the number is approximately 0.40-0.44, the energy efficiency index ranges from 0.51 to 0.74, 1
CPΔ = 0.40, ω = 0.68, 2 CPΔ = 0.44, ω= 0.51 and 3 CP Δ = 0.42, ω = 0.74. In the 2nd population,
the Anthemis trotzkiana indicators at 4, 5 and 6 coenopopulations are relatively high. 4 CP Δ = 0.43,
ω = 0.76, 5 CP Δ = 0.44, ω = 0.74 and 6 CP Δ = 0.44, ω = 0.75, and in 3 populations 6, 7 and 8 CP
the age index is higher 0.54–0.63 compared with the other two populations, and the efficiency index
of the 7th coenopopulation is rather low ω –0.48, 7 CP Δ = 0.56, ω = 0.48, 8 CP Δ = 0.54, ω = 0.70
and 9 CP Δ = 0.63, ω = 0.68.
Under the conditions of the Aktobe region, during the study of the rare species Anthemis trotzkiana
Claus the age index (∆) and energy efficiency index (ω), i.e. the delta omega values, as well as the recovery, replacement and aging indexhave been described.
Key words: ontogenetic condition, age structure, coenopopulation, Anthemis trotzkiana Claus.




How to Cite

Молдақарызова А.Ж., Базаргалиева А.А., И. К. К. М. М. А. Б. А. (2019). Ontogenetic condition and age structure of Anthemis trotzkiana claus coenopopulationin the conditions of Aktobe region. Eurasian Journal of Ecology, 58(1), 112–126. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJE.2019.v58.i1.011

