Ecological analysis of plants in Almaty region (Enbekshikazakh and Talgar districts)


  • Inelova Z., Nesterova S., Yerubaeva G., Zaparina Ye., Aitzhan M. l-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty., Turan University, Kazakhstan, Almaty., Research Institute of Ecology, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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This article presents the results of a study obtained during an ecological analysis of the flora of the
Almaty region (using the example of Talgar and Enbekshikazakh regions). Plants are a vulnerable component of biota, as they are the primary link in the food chain and play a major role in absorbing various
pollutants due to their attachment to the soil substrate. Plants grow and develop under the influence of
a variety of factors. Natural settlement of plants leads to the formation of plant communities, which can
be used to judge about the state of biodiversity of a particular region. In this regard, the inventory and
analysis of the flora of any region have been, is and will always be relevant. One of the global tasks of our
time is to study the problems and preserve biological diversity. The aim of the work was to conduct an
ecological analysis of the flora of Almaty region (on the example of Talgar and Enbekshikazakh districts),
reflecting the characteristics of the environment and a variety of living conditions. Flora was studied
using traditional methods of floristic and field geobotanical studies. The distribution of plant species
of Almaty region by life forms showed that the predominant are perennials (1009 species or 65.5%),
annuals (266 species or 17.3%) and shrubs (101 species or 6.5%). The smallest part of species belongs
to biennial plants (80 species or 5.2%), trees (46 species or 3%), and suff rutices (17 species or 1.1%), a
small number are semi-frutex (9 species or 0.6%), drawf semishrub (8 species or 0.5%), lianas (4 species
or 0.2%) and 1 species, which is 0.01% of the total number of trees. As a result of the ecological analysis
of the flora of Almaty region, which is based on the classification of groups in relation to soil moisture,
revealed that the majority are mesoxerophytes (770 species or 49.9%), xerophytes (309 species, which
is 20.05%), mesophytes (278 species or 18.04% of the total number of species), xeromesophytes (154
species or 9.9 %). A smaller part of the flora of the region is composed of hygromesophytes (16 species
of ili1, 03 %) and mesohygrophytes (14 species, which is 0.9%).
Key words: flora, Almaty region, ecological analysis, life forms, ecological groups.




Как цитировать

Aitzhan M., I. Z. N. S. Y. G. Z. Y. (2019). Ecological analysis of plants in Almaty region (Enbekshikazakh and Talgar districts). ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Экология сериясы, 58(1), 94–101.

